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Sermon Archives

Below are links to the notes/transcriptions for our past sermons. 


February to Easter

Kingdom of God


The Epistle to the Romans

Understanding Faith

  • Righteousness from God - Romans 3:21-31

  • The Faith of Abraham - Rom. 4:1-12

  • Faith Like Abraham - Rom. 4:13-25

  • Peace with God - Romans 5:6-11

  • Reconciled - Romans 5:6-11

  • Adam and Christ - Romans 5:12-21

  • Alive to God - Romans 6:1-14

  • Slaves to God - Romans 6:15-23

  • Marriage Analogy - Romans 7:1-6

  • Struggling Still - Romans 7:7-25

  • Victory - Romans 8:1-17

  • Eager Anticipation - Romans 8:18-3-


The Ascent Pslams

Pressing Onward

  • Deliver Me - Psalm 120, 121

  • I Was Glad - Psalm 122

  • Have Mercy - Psalm 123

  • We Have Escaped - Psalm 124

  • Those Who Trust - Psalm 125

  • Restored - Psalm 126

  • The Lord Builds - Psalm 127

  • The Lord Bless You - Psalm 128

  • Affliction - Psalm 129

  • Forgiveness - Psalm 130

  • Hope in the Lord - Psalm 131

  • God's Dwelling Place - Psalm 132

  • Blessing - Psalm 133

  • Bless the Lord - Psalm 134


Theologian of the Year

Martin & Mindfuness


Once upon a time...

Living in Exile

  • Abraham

  • Joseph

  • Moses

  • Samson

  • Jonah

  • Ruth

  • Esther

  • Daniel

Passport Covers

Two Kingdoms

Our Dual Citizenship

  • The Great Reversal

  • Holy & Worldly - 1 Peter 2

  • A True Fast - Isaiah 58

  • Pray - 1 Timothy 2:1-5

  • Jerusalem & Babylon - Genesis 11, Isaiah 2, Jeremiah 29

  • Submit & Love - Romans 13:1-10

  • Stand for Justice - Luke 3:1-20

  • News - selected Proverbs

  • Vocations & Volunteers - Acts 6,9,12


Theologian of the Year

Abraham Kuyper

  • Sermon

  • PowerPoint


The Epistle to the Romans

Understanding the People of God

  • Israel - Romans 9:1-13

  • Is God Fair - Romans 9:14-27

  • Call on His Name - Rom. 9:30-10:13

  • Missions - Romans 10:14-21

  • Remnants - Romans 11:1-12

  • Grafted In - Romans 11:13-36


Genesis, John, & Revelation

From Start to Finish

  • Read Along with the Messages

  • From Start to Finish - Gen. 1, John 1

  • Believe Me - Genesis 3, John 3

  • Tempted - Genesis 4, John 4

  • Authority - John 5

  • What Satisfies - John 6

  • Appearance & Reality - John 7

  • The Flood - Genesis 8

  • Now I See - John 9

  • The Good Shepherd - John 10

  • Towering Foolishness - Genesis 11

  • True Greatness - Genesis 12

  • Be A Servant - John 13

  • The Way - John 14

  • The Vine - John 15

  • A Bad Idea - Genesis 16

  • The Sign - Genesis 17

  • Jesus Kingdom - John 18

  • Parenting Problems - Gen.18, Jn .19

  • These Are Written - John 20

  • Feed My Sheep - John 21

  • Abraham Tested - Genesis 22

  • Fullness - Colossians 2

  • Family - Colossians 3

  • Jesus Among Us - Revelation 1

  • You are Worthy - Revelation 4

  • Worth is the Lamb - Revelation 5

  • You've Got Mail - Revelation 6

  • Wrestling with God - Genesis 32,33

  • Revelation Hymn Sing - Various

  • Sweet & Sour - Revelation 10

  • The Plot Thickens - Revelation 11

  • Salvation History in Pictures - Rev.12

  • Marks of the Beast - Revelation 13

  • Integrity - Genesis 39

  • Dreams - Genesis 40

  • Ready & Waiting - Genesis 41

  • The Face of Evil - Revelation 17

  • Sunrise to Sunset - Psalm 113

  • And There is Your Dagger - Rev. 20

  • All Things New - Revelation 21

  • The Finish - Revelation 22

  • God is Light - 1 John 1

  • Children of God - 1 John 2

  • Walk in the Light - 1 John  3


Theologian of the Year

Brother Lawrence


The Ten Commandments


  • Saved to Follow

  • One God - Exodus 20:3

  • No Idols - Exodus 20:4-6

  • The Name - Exodus 20:7

  • Sabbath Rest - Exodus 20:8-11

  • Honor Father & Mother - Exo. 20:12

  • No to Murder - Exodus 20:13

  • Yes to Love - Exodus 20:14

  • Say No to Theft - Exodus 20:15

  • Say No to Lies - Exodus 20:16

  • No to Coveting - Wxodus 20:17

John Stott.png

Theologian of the Year

John Stott

  • Sermon

  • PowerPoint


The Epistle to the Romans

Understanding Unbelief

  • Rome – Romans 1:1-13

  • The Gospel – Romans 1:14-17

  • Guilt and the Godless – Rom. 1:18-32

  • Where Are We? - Romans 1:18-32

  • Guilt and the Moralists – Rom. 2:1-16

  • Guilt and the Godly – Rom. 2:17-29

  • Guilt and Fairness – Romans 3:1-8

  • All are Guilty – Romans 3:9-20


The Epistle to the Romans

Understanding the Obedience of Faith

  • Worship - Romans 12:1-2

  • Christian Community - Rom. 12:3-13

  • Love For Outsiders - Rom. 12:14-21

  • Government - Romans 13:1-7

  • Love - Romans 13:8-14

  • Unity - Romans 14:1-12

  • Consider Others - Rom. 14:13-23

  • Glory to God - Romans 15:1-13

  • A Plan - Romans 15:14-33

  • Review: Faith in Romans

  • Review: Obedience in Romans


The Apostles Creed

One Lord, One Faith

  • I Believe in God - Romans 10:5-13

  • God the Father Almighty - Romans 8:14-17, 12-31

  • Creator - Isaiah 40:12-31

  • I Believe in Jesus - Acts 2:14-41

  • God & Man - Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:17-19, 4:14-16

  • Crucified Dead Buried - Matthew 27

  • He Arose - 1 Corinthians 15

  • He Ascended - Acts 1:1-11

  • He is Seated - Colossians 3:1-4

  • He Will Come Back - 1 Thes. 4:13-18

  • The Holy Spirit - 1 Corin. 2:6-16

  • The Church - Acts 2:42-47

  • Forgiveness - Psalm 32

  • Life Everlasting - 1 Corinthians 15

Woman with Bible

The Lord's Prayer

A Model Prayer

  • A Model Prayer

  • Our Father

  • Your Name

  • Your Kingdom

  • Your Will Be Done

  • Our Daily Bread

  • Our Debts

  • Our Temptations

  • Our Deliverance


The Atonement


  • The Atonement - Psalm 87

  • Ransomed - Mark 10:45

  • Reconciliation - 2 Corinthians 5:18-21

  • Substitute - Isaiah 53:1-9

  • Satisfaction - 1 John 2, 4

  • Forgiveness - Psalm 51

  • Regeneration - John 3

  • The Blood - Hebrews 9:11-28

  • Justified - Romans 4

  • Obedience - Philippians 2

  • Victory - Romans 6



Fulfill & Fill Full

  • Food for Thought – Matthew 15

  • Have You Figured it Out Matt. 15

  • Listen to Him – Matthew 17:1-21

  • Family Feuds – Matthew 18:15-34

  • Counting the Cost – Matt. 19:16-30

  • Equal Pay for Unequal Work – Matthew 20:1-16

  • Following Jesus to the Cross – Matthew 20:17-28

  • What is Missing? – Matthew 21:1-22

  • The Wedding Feast – Matt. 22:1-14

  • Waving Palms and Raising Cain –Matthew 22:15-45

  • Into Your Hands – Luke 23:46

  • The End is the Beginning – Matthew 

  • Bad Teaching – Matthew 23

  • Two Meals – Matthew 26

  • Who Killed Jesus – Matthew 28

  • Go! – Matthew 28:11-22

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